#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (C) 2021 by LHProjects # # Permission is granted to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this work for any purpose with or without fee. This work is offered as-is, with absolutely no warranty whatsoever. The author is not responsible for any damages that result from using this work. # # # Updates FirewallD when my home IP address changes. # # Define variables CACHE_IP_FILE=/var/cache/update_firewall.cache get_home_ip () { tmpfile=$(mktemp) for i in {1..5}; do host fwgw.lhprojects.net > $tmpfile && s=0 && break || s=1 && sleep 3; done if [ $s -eq 0 ]; then HOME_IP=$(cat $tmpfile | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | xargs) else echo "Error: Can't resolve fwgw.lhprojects.net" rm $tmpfile exit 1 fi rm $tmpfile } remove_ip () { # remove old entry firewall-cmd --permanent --ipset=node_ips --remove-entry=$1 &> /dev/null # reload firewall firewall-cmd --reload &> /dev/null } add_ip () { # add new entry firewall-cmd --permanent --ipset=node_ips --add-entry=$1 &> /dev/null # reload firewall firewall-cmd --reload &> /dev/null } write_ip_cache () { echo "$1" > $CACHE_IP_FILE } update_firewall () { # check if cache IP is in the ipset entries ipset_entries=$(firewall-cmd --ipset=node_ips --get-entries 2> /dev/null) found=false for ip in $ipset_entries; do if [ "$ip" = "$1" ]; then found=true fi done if [ "$found" = false ]; then echo "Error: IP '$1' not found in firewall entries." echo "Info: Updating IP in firewall." add_ip $HOME_IP fi } # Get home ip get_home_ip # Check if we have cache IP if test -f $CACHE_IP_FILE; then CACHE_IP=$(cat $CACHE_IP_FILE) if [ -z "$CACHE_IP" ]; then update_firewall $HOME_IP write_ip_cache $HOME_IP elif [ "$HOME_IP" != "$CACHE_IP" ]; then remove_ip $CACHE_IP update_firewall $HOME_IP write_ip_cache $HOME_IP fi else update_firewall $HOME_IP write_ip_cache $HOME_IP fi exit 0